Employee Spotlight - Mauricio Gonzalez

As an HR-based agency  (In our world, happiness count as productivity) We're so lucky to have the most amazing, talented and unique humans in our team; This week we are featuring our Video Editor, Mauricio Gonzalez and grilling him with the hardest questions the interwebz has ever came up with.


Employee Spotlight

As an HR-based agency  (In our world, happiness count as productivity) We're so lucky to have the most amazing, talented and unique humans in our team; This week we are featuring our Video Editor, Mauricio Gonzalez and grilling him with the hardest questions the interwebz has ever came up with.

We're excited to have Mauricio on board with us along with his multifaceted editing skills!

Say Hi to Mauricio below!


1) You won the lottery, $400 million to be exact. What if the first thing you'll use the money for?

I will pay my debts, invest strategically and save for retirement... LOL. Who am I kidding I would probably celebrate with a trip around the world for a few months and splurge like crazy on whatever I wanted, then deal with all that debt and planning for the future stuff later.

2) You have 24 hours to go anywhere you want and do anything you want starting in 10 minutes.

I would love to spend 24 hours aboard the International Space Station. Playing in zero gravity, eating space food and staring out at the universe and earth would be amazing.

3) If you had to lose one of your senses which would it be?

It would have to be the sense of smell. I think I could live perfectly fine without it, assuming that I would never encounter a gas leak.

4)  If you could have any animal as a pet what would you have??

My traditional pet of choice is a Great Dane. Although, if I could have any animal it would have to be a bear, they're cool, adorable and they seem like they'd be pretty chill to hang out with.

5) What the best country you've visited?

I've been to Mexico, Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. My favorite has to be the Cayman Islands. The water is so clear and the island is beautiful plus they have sea turtle farms and that was cool to see.


Check out her work on the interwebz -

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/therealspoonboy

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Employee Spotlight - Kaylie Foster

If you've seen our work before, you've probably have seen Kaylies face + music video plastered on our website, we are immensely lucky to have her on board with the team, Check out this employee highlight and we're so excited to have kaylie on the Indiemarch Team!


Employee Spotlight

As an HR-based agency  (In our world, happiness count as productivity) We're so lucky to have the most amazing, talented and unique humans in our team; This week we are featuring our Project Liason, Kaylie Foster and grilling her with the hardest questions the interwebz has ever came up with.

If you've seen our work before, you've probably have seen Kaylies face + music video plastered on our website, we are immensely lucky to have her on board with the team!

Say Hi to her below!


1) If your best friends had to describe you in (3) Words, what would they be?

Quirky, Creative & Sassy

2) What is the strangest/ weirdest thing about you that nobody knows?

Whenever I'm home alone, I almost ALWAYS sing The Little Mermaid's "Part of Your World" in the shower and pretend I'm on Broadway.

3) What would you do if you never had to work?

I would be a traveling singer-songwriter.

4)  Would you rather spend you life on a plane or a boat and why?

Definitely a boat because I'm deathly terrified of turbulence on planes, and I'm a total water lover.

5) What IS a hashtag? 

A "hashtag", formerly known as the "pound sign" back in the day, is now an avenue in which millennials use to describe the subtext of their lives or to simply be ironic. For example: "I love eggs so much! #eggsarelife #didthechickencomefirst #wewillneverknow"


Check out her work on the interwebz -

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/fosterthekaylie/

Website - www.kayliefoster.com

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Meet our new Marketing director <3

Taco connoisseur, meme lover. Newest Marketing Director of Indiemarch Film


Hello! My name is Teeazha and I’m a taco connoisseur, meme loving, music admirer, fashionista from Las Vegas, Nevada. After graduating from the University of Nevada, Reno with a degree in Journalism, I decided to stay in Reno to pursue a career in PR & Marketing. After bracing the cold and snow for 5 years, I decided to move back to the valley where the sun is always shining and the roads aren't as icy.

My biggest goal in life is to inspire people to reach their full potential in every aspect. My outgoing, humorous, and innovative personality leads me to a unique and artistic lifestyle.

I believe there is art in everything and I can’t wait to help you showcase your art through an Indiemarch lens. 

Say Hi to Teeazha (Tee - AH - ZA) or simply, T on Instagram! 

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